The MASW and ReMi surveys are carried out with the DoReMi seismograph with 16 channels and 16 bits of SARA Electronic Instruments using 4.5 Hz geophones. The MASW investigations are tests based on the analysis of surface waves generated by the use of an active seismic source. On the contrary, in the presence of a lot of environmental noise, it is possible to use the ReMi technique, which is based on the analysis of environmental noise (passive).
The MASW tests allow to reconstruct the seismostratigraphy of the S waves in a similar way to a well log, so that unlike the refraction tests they are not affected by any reversal of speed. From the seismostratigraphy we obtain the parameter Vs30 necessary to seismically characterize the site.

The results of the survey are:
- a 1D profile of the velocity of shear wave;
- a 2D profile of the velocity of shear wave if more acquisition are performed;