Numeric modelling
Using numerical simulation, digital models of hydrogeological phenomena with an impact on human activities are built.

smartRefract is a free and open source seismic refraction software that implements the GRM method (Palmer 1980)
smartTomo is a software for seismic refraction tomography (travel time tomography) that allows you to quickly obtain an image of the distribution of the speed of seismic waves in the ground. The final speed model is produced by the iterative optimization of an initial model that can be defined by the user based on their knowledge of the measurement site. SmartTomo is based on the work of Moser, T. J. “Shortest path calculation of seismic rays. Geophysics 56.1 (1991): 59-67 and uses Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique to optimize the result.

Research activities are carried out thanks to a research fellowship at CNR-IMATI on the topics of topographic and environmental big data treatment and adaptive optimization of environmental monitoring.
Over the years it has been involved in several projects founded by European: Alcotra-ADVITAM, Marittime-MATRAC-ACP, FP7-IQmulus and Marittime-RESMAR.